
Brooklyn Olivia Hull is our first child.  She was born on 11/14/12 and went to be with Jesus on 3/13/13. This is our story about parenthood and our journey through life looking a lot different than we expected. Thanks for joining us.

– Adam & Corrie

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Background on our story

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IMG_0594      Brooklyn's Photo Shoot_1

14 thoughts on “About

  1. Adam- This is fantastic. Fantastic. Your writing is beautiful and inspiring. I realize I will always have to have tissues nearby when I come to this site- not because it is gloom and sadness entirely- but because it is impossible to read these words coming from your heart and not be moved by the Holy Spirit. We ask ourselves, how could God get glory out of this situation?- I am telling you there is a cloud of witnesses, both on heaven and earth who are cheering when they watch the love that is flowing in your little family. You are literally doing your Utmost for His Highest and we are blessed to call you family. Much Love, Aunt Gail


  2. Praying diligently for you guys! Thank you for you strength, courage and amazing example of what it is to be a parent and lean not on your own understanding but trust in the Lord with all of your heart and soul. You are teaching me with each post how to be a better mom to my little girl from your example. I know it will always be an up and down struggle, but know that you are in the Holt’s prayers! God Bless that precious girl!


  3. Dear Adam and Corrie,
    Thank you for sharing your story, life and faith with everyone. I will be praying for you daily for hope, strength, comfort, wisdom and unfailing faith in God who loves you all more than you can imagine. What awesome witnesses you are and what a blessing Brooklyn is. Love to you all. Proverbs 3:5,6
    Debi (& Michael) Griffith


  4. Thanks for sharing. I love my job so much and a couple of times a year I meet an amazing family that stay close to my heart forever. Little Miss Brooklyn stole my heart for 2012. She is so blessed to have amazing parents to love her. I think of her everyday and she is often part of our nightly prayers with my son. He always asks about the baby he picked to doll out for. Love her blog. You guys take care and hope to hear from you soon


  5. Adam I am so proud of you and Corrie. God is working in you and through you both. I can only imagine the heart ache but what a blessing it is to look at each day as a celebration. I pray for Gods continued grace and strength. Thank you for sharing your story.


  6. Adam and Corrie,
    May God keep you guys strong during these trials. You have inspired me and the other people that have read this blog. Most of all, I wanted to let you know that my co-worker/friend and her husband just had a baby on December 20th and he has been diagnosed with Trisomy 18(Edward’s Syndrome). They were just notified on Saturday of the genetics test results and it has been hard for them. I can not even begin to explain how their hearts hurt right now. They continue to also ask the question “Why?”. They were released from the hospital on Monday with a survival time of appoximately 2 weeks. Hospice is currently with them at there home. I have given her the link to your blog and she was been inspired by your words and photos. With that said, I will continue to pray for you and Corrie as well as my friend and her husband. No one knows why God has allowed these events to occur but be assured that HE never makes mistakes and HE is in control.
    Bless you and your precious baby girl Brooklyn.


  7. I was just reading Brooklyn’s story of her amazing parents! (a friend referred me to your site) God is being glorified in your lives and through Brooklyn’s story. These difficult questions remind me of the story of the man who was born blind in John 9. The question asked of Jesus was, “Who sinned? This man or his parents?” Jesus answered – “Neither! He was born this way so that the work of God might be displayed in his life”.
    I applaud you for celebrating each moment with your precious daughter! You are proclaiming the value of life and giving God glory and displaying His work in Brooklyn’s life as well as your own lives as a couple.
    Praying for you for strength and wisdom in these days. May you continue to declare God’s name and give Him fame! The comfort of heaven is even sweeter and real when we have an “investment” there! Continue to celebrate and enjoy each sweet moment with your precious Brooklyn.


  8. Adam– Not sure if you remember me from KHS, but I caught wind that you were in Austin and I had been hearing about Brooklyn. As I read the most recent post with tears today, I spent some time praying for you and your wife. I didn’t know what to say to God so I just cried. His providence is both bitter and sweet. I long, with you, for a day when there will be no more death and no more crying, and the broken things of this world will be restored. May God’s peace and grace comfort you and your wife as He takes Brooklyn to be at His side. I hope to catch up with you and give you a hug soon, brother. Much love.


  9. Hi Adam and Corrie – Corrie, maybe you remember us from NY – anyway, I only recently found out about your baby (from Jessica) and wanted to tell you I grieve with you and will be praying for your family. Please give my love to your parents – some of my very favorite people from our NY years.
    Debbie Dehart


  10. Corrie and Adam, I’m still thinking about you and praying for you! Hang in there, and know that you have lots of love and prayers coming your way.


  11. Corrie and Adam, I’m thinking about you today. Corrie, I love your honesty and ability to capture thoughts and make them come to life on the page. Praying for you both and thankful for you both. You gave her such good love while she was here, and I am thankful that we KNOW that the Lord holds her now. Looking forward to a day without sickness and grief, thankful for warrior men and women like you.


  12. Thank you Adam, thank you Cory, thank you Brooklyn…. thank, thank you Jesus.
    The Bible says we ” over come by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony!”
    All 3 of your testimonies have blessed and encouraged me today. I see Jesus and His love in each of you.
    Heaven is more tangible for me now too.
    Maralee Dawn
    Your Canadian Sister
    Heb 13:8


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